
Bonifacio VIII Palace

Cathedral of St. Mary
Located in the acropolis of Anagni, the St. Mary's Cathedral is one of the most important Romanesque monuments in the city. Built in the twelfth century, also characterized by the bell tower completely detached from the church, has within it the characteristic Cosmati floor dating back to 1230.
Do not miss the Crypt which with its frescoed 540 sqm has been called the "Sistine Chapel of the Middle Ages".
Also visit the Lapidary, the Oratory of St. Thomas Becket and the Cathedral Treasury that collects, along with other sacred objects of common use, a valuable collection of vestments donated to the cathedral by Pope Boniface VIII.

St. Mary Gate
One of the ancient gates of the medieval city walls that open onto the Roman and medieval wall in opus quadratum, St. Mary Gate was formerly called Gate of the Idols. What we see today is the remake of 1500.
We can observe the coat of arms of Pope Pius IV on the keystone and on the left side a plate commemorating the visit of Marcus Aurelius.

Communal Palace
Dating back to the mid-twelfth century when the city commissioned the construction of its headquarters to the architect Jacopo da Iseo. He arranged the existing buildings, unifying them by building a large porch, with large round arches. On the big porch Jacopo made a majestic hall: the "Reason Hall", so called for being the seat of the court. The main facade of the town hall looks on the square of the Abattoir, now John Paul II Square, here the building has mullioned windows that give the name to the room, some coats of arms of the city and of the Caetani family and the fifteenth-century Loggia of the Auctioneer. On this side you will find the grand staircase leading to the upper floor. The building has suffered constant transformations, it was the residence of the Popes, Cardinals, governors and public representatives of the city who lived in there for the period of their mandate.

S. Pietro in Vineis
Around the mid twelfth century, just outside the city walls of the city of Anagni, was built a monastery belonging to the order of the Poor Clares that survived until the mid-sixteenth century. In this area in 1926 was made a boarding school for orphans of employees INADEL that incorporated the ancient church of the monastery within the complex. The church has an interesting Cosmati floor and a series of thirteen frescoes depicting scenes from the life of Christ.
The Boniface VIII Palace is located on the west side of Innocenzo III Square. Today is joined to the Cistercian Sisters of Charity Institute, but in the thirteenth century it stood isolated and, on the southern front, it lined up with the retaining wall of the ancient acropolis of Anagni, occupied by the medieval district "Castle". Built in the late twelfth century by the Conti family, during the papacy of Pope Gregory IX, in 1295 it became property of the Caetani family, of which Pope Boniface VIII was a descendant. You can visit the Hall of the Geese, named for the fresco present in it and the Hall of the Exchequer, where according to tradition, took place the famous episode "The slap of Anagni" in 1303.

Ceres Gate
Ceres Gate, which takes its name from the Roman goddess, should be built on the site of the ancient access of Anagnia, the chief town of the ancient people Hernici, as is mentioned by Marcus Aurelius. Since Roman period, the Gate was renovated several times, until the Middle Ages when the name Ceres spread throughout the neighborhood, at that time one of the most densely populated of the city.
Destroyed during the war between Spain and Austria, the monument was rebuilt only in the nineteenth century. A plaque recalling some verses of Dante Alighieri referred to Anagni is fixed on the Gate.

Casa Barnekow
Along the main street of Anagni, some examples of noble buildings, evidently belonging to the feudal lords and cardinals, characterized by facades with single and double windows and some arcades, testify the presence of the Popes in Anagni with their retinue of cardinals , priests, men of the curia, bankers, merchants and employees. An example of such housing is Barnekow House, from the name of a Swedish nobleman who in the Nineteenth Century bought it and decorated the facade with frescoes and inscriptions of religious and esoteric subject written in different languages. The exterior is very picturesque because of the staircase leading to the first floor. Everything is covered with large round arches, resting on a column surmounted by a capital decorated with acanthus leaves.

Badia della gloria
Ancient monastery of the Florense Order, built at the request of Cardinal Ugolino Conti, the future Pope Gregory IX. The abbey was short-lived. In fact, already in 1261, at the death of Pope Alexander IV, the monastery began to lose his papal protection that had been granted until then. It was finally closed in 1297 when it was purchased by the Caetani family. The building was desecrated and nowadays it's property of the City.

Rainbow Magicland

Fashion District - Valmontone Outlet
Large shopping center, organized as a stylish citadel of fashion, with 170 stores of the best fashion brands at discounted prices from 30% to 70%.
The Theme Park of Roma Valmontone with 36 attractions, rides and roller coasters, 10 different shows per day, events every weekend. Open daily from April to September, then weekends and public holidays according to the calendar.


Fumone is a beautiful medieval village perched on top of a mountain that for its strategic position was placed by the papacy to guard as a sentinel against the Saracen and Norman invasions.
His name seems to derive from fires which were lit as a signal of enemies in sight. Hence the popular saying "If Fumone smokes / Whole Campania trembles" (Si Fumo fumat / Tota Campania tremat...)
Worth a visit the castle in which was imprisoned, at the behest of Pope Boniface VIII, and where died Pope Celestine V, "who made through cowardice the great refusal" (D. Alighieri)
Alatri was one of the main centers of the Hernici, it was later Episcopalian, free common, domain of the powerful family Conti and property of the Papal States.
Worth a visit the Acropolis with its massive Cyclopean walls in polygonal work enclosing a large sacred area that also had defensive purposes.
The Cathedral houses the famous relic of the Holy bread incarnate. Numerous civil and religious monuments make the city a tourist destination of great interest.


Vico nel Lazio
Town rich in history, built on a fertile land rich in natural sulfur spring water. Surrounded by megalithic walls, well preserved, on which open interesting gates for their antiques and structure, including the Bloody Door and Gate Casamari with double arch.
The town has in the Acropolis its most important monument and also the testimony of its history. In it you will find Roman monuments such as the Market Hall and the theater and medieval monuments such as the Cathedral that features a beautiful Cosmati floor and the Cistercian-Gothic church of Santa Maria Maggiore.
Comparable to the French city of Carcassonne and declared a "national monument of considerable interest", Vico nel Lazio is a typical medieval town with walls still intact and characterized by numerous crenellated towers that give to the town the traditional look of a medieval castle. The village retains its charm with a tangle of narrow streets that cross several times in a exclusive maze, with at the center of the village the two main churches, the Romanesque collegiate church of St. Mary and the church St. Michael the Archangel.


Village rich in history, art and culture, the Hernician city was a Roman municipium and bishopric in the Middle Ages.
From Roman times remain some stretches of Cyclopean walls, the forum and the Fasti Verulani, a calendar of the first century. A.D. with the commemoration of the events of Roman history.
From the Middle Ages are the village of the Holy Cross to which you can access from the homonymous door. Do not miss the Abbey of Casamari in Gothic-Cistercian style of the twelfth century. Here during the summer take place the famous opera festival.
Famous thermal city, with the top, old Fiuggi old, characterized by a maze of narrow streets and small squares of medieval times. Here we find the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, the main church of Fiuggi, the church of St. Stephen and the church of Santa Maria del Colle, pagan temples converted into churches in the fifteenth century. The lower part instead is characterized by the presence of the Fiuggi Thermal Baths with the source of Boniface VIII and the source Anticolana. The mineral Waters of Fiuggi are famous for their therapeutic properties, insomuch as they were also prescribed to Pope Boniface VIII, who drew immediate benefit and to Michelangelo to calm "the ill-stone" he suffered.